Being Still

The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still

Exodus 14:14

Photo credit: Lisa Bettany {Mostly Lisa} / iWoman / CC BY-NC
Photo credit: Lisa Bettany {Mostly Lisa} / iWoman / CC BY-NC

This verse is powerful and has been meaningful throughout my spiritual journey. I find it difficult to be still; much like my 24 month old grandson Zeke who is still only when he is sleeping. Zeke spends the remainder of his day in constant motion!  My physical body may not be constantly moving but my mind and spirit is often without rest. My thoughts race and my spirit silently wrestles.

I am reminded once again that I am not the one who must engage in this fight. The Lord will fight on my behalf I must only be still.

I am humbled to know that even in this I need the help of my God. I can not be still without his help. It is a conscious and daily choice I must make to be still and wait. When I focus my thoughts on Him and remember he fights for ME, I feel loved and protected. When someone defends you it is an amazing and tender feeling. When God stands in for me, I feel safe and cherished.

I sit back and I can watch the fight as a spectator now. This is a good thought!


  1. katinavaselopulos says:

    Nancy, I never read this before! Short and to the point!

    Stillness: An integral part of a spiritual journey…of my journey! No mountain can be climbed by continuously running. Even on the summit, stillness with be the aim and the reward.

    Blessings and light!

  2. Nice! I love this, Nanc. I think God is trying to tell something (like be still) because the post I wrote for this Friday is, “Wait and Be Still”. So easy to say, so hard to actually practice.

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