Sacred Space

In a culture which is distracted and impatient, there is a yearning desire among men and women alike to carve a sacred space away from busyness to recharge and refresh their soul.

Many have lost touch with the sacred ritual of taking time for renewal. In fact, we seem to be rushing to relax. Busy is an accepted and even expected response to the question “How are you?”

A Sacred Space is an absolute necessity for each of us.

To be your best self creatively and relationally you must have certain moments in the day where you are not connected to the activity of life and are able to carve out a slice of serenity.

sacred space nancy bouwens simplicity coach intentional life
Photo CCO Public Domain

Sacred Spaces evoke a feeling of a sacredness of space and time, where Heaven seems to touch Earth and we find ourselves aware of the Holy, and filled with the Spirit. We are not created to be in constant motion. God created the Sabbath so we could step away from all which must be done to a moment on the margins of life where we are renewed. 

Wayne Muller, in Sabbath: Restoring the Sacred Rhythm of Rest, says, “Our relentless emphasis on success and productivity has become a form of violence. We have lost the necessary rhythm of life, the balance between effort and rest, doing and not doing.”

A Sacred Space is often a moment or collection of time where nothing else matters.

sacred space nancy bouwens simplicity coach intentional life
Photo CCO Public Domain
  • Babies are a precious reminder of the sacredness of life. Hubs and I were blessed with the birth of a new baby granddaughter several months ago. When I snuggle her sweetness, it is sacred.
  • The quietness of mornings with hot coffee in hand and a Bible in another, listening, while spending time in prayer; this too is sacred.
  • Seagulls calling over the water as the sun rises and fishermen wait for the first catch of the day. Sacred.
  • Space is not always silence. You may find sacredness as you write or listen to music.
  • Your space may be filled with a bounty of friends and family as you prepare a meal and set aside time to break bread together.
  • Sacred Space may be a husband sitting silently in a darkened hospital room, holding the hand of his elderly wife as she wavers between this life and the next. Memories flood his mind and trickle down his weathered face. Time stands still.
sacred space nancy bouwens simplicity coach intentional life
Photo: CCO Public Domain

Many struggle with embracing time for themselves.

It may feel wasteful or selfish to step away from the craziness to reboot your life, but you will be stronger and better able to meet the needs of those you love when you are refreshed instead of depleted.

sacred space nancy bouwens simplicity coach intentional life
Photo; CCO Public Domain

13 Ideas for Defining Sacred Space in Your Life

  • Get up at least a half hour earlier than normal
  • Watch the sunrise or a sunset at least once a week
  • Start the day off with gratitude
  • Ignore your email and the texts-the world will be there when you return.
  • Spend time in nature
  • Create art, enjoy music and dance whenever you can!
  • Journal your prayers; practice listening and wait — without rushing to the next need or desire before God.
  •  Allow yourself the joy of being alive by savoring a day of simplicity 
  • Use the Serenity Prayer daily
  • Look for an opportunity to express appreciation to another
  • Try something new; paint, try a dance class, write poetry or sing karaoke
  • Sit in silence for 10 minutes (this one is hard for some; set a timer if you must)
  • Find a building with a history; a cathedral, a monastery, an old church, a barn, or a covered bridge. Savor the moment and consider those who have walked in those doors before. What words of wisdom might they whisper to you if they could?
sacred space nancy bouwens simplicity coach intentional life
Photo: CCO Public Domain

Creating a space of sacredness is a place of creative incubation.

Yours will be different from someone else. Our lives are often scheduled from the moment our feet hit the ground until we slide between the sheets at the end of the day. If we are not purposeful in the planning of our days, someone or something else will.

“If you fail to plan you are planning to fail.”  Ben Franklin

I challenge you sweet reader friends; purpose to see moments of your week as sacred and consider how you might carve away from the margins of your days a sacred space to refresh and renew your soul.


  • How might you uncover Sacred Space in your daily life? 
  • What is your biggest challenge to the idea of creating Sacred Space? 

Share your thoughts in the comments and if you find this post helpful, challenging or otherwise wonderful… please share with the world!  I would be ever so grateful if you did!





  1. So needed to read this post today, Nancy. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Blessings Liz… so glad !! Keep searching out your sacred spaces wherever you are 🙂

  2. I am finding those sacred moments with sweet Olivia. I sit and hold her and the world stops. There is only now with Olivia and I am privileged to be in her “now.” And as I look into those eyes of blue I can tell that God is pleased with this little one he made.

    Loved your message and the way you wove it into your post. Love you, Nancy.

    1. Oh sweet Olivia… she is truly a miracle blessing with each moment you spend with her! Enjoy your sacred space with that little one.. each moment is pure gold !

  3. Nancy, I am new to your blog and I’m so glad I found you. I am struggling so badly after the sudden loss of my youngest son in March. I cannot find room in my heart, my mind or my life for the sacred moments other than morning coffee with my “first 5” scriptures and writing, because quiet and reflection is just too painful. I was contemplating deleting my blog which I started to help other Moms going through similar loss. I feel like I have nothing to offer anyone and can’t find “the time” to write and think of encouraging or helpful anything. You have encouraged me today and I’m grateful.

    1. Oh Jenn.. you must keep writing … it is in the sacred space of the words written, spoken and shared with another it is then the healing will touch the deepest and raw places in your soul. Losing your sweet boy.. I can not imagine the shattering of your heart which you face each day.

      Sometimes for me, the words and tears pour onto the page in equal measure… and you may find the same. I pray for you sweet friend… you will be touched today with enough grace for you to keep breathing… and keep writing… and again the joy to peak into the places which are so sad.

      I encourage you Jenn… keep your words coming, even when they are messy raw and hard. Your story and your courage to keep showing up will bring hope to another… and sometimes in that moment will be enough,

      I encourage you from a heart which too has known great sadness…keep sharing, and writing, a mosaic of stained glass would not reflect as great a beauty without the breaking of the pieces.
      You would not choose this story.. but it is yours, and some days you will need to only choose to stand and keep breathing,Some days, this alone is enough.

      Blessings…I am praying for you.

  4. I find it interesting that even though you and I have never talked about it we tend to have a similar theme in our writing this year – slow down. I love this post, Nanc! Thank you for the reminder to find some sacred time.

    1. So my friend we truly are soul sisters of the best kind !

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