Say No, and Say it Often; Secrets of Simplicity

As you create space in your life by de-cluttering inside and out, you have begun clearing the way for extra time in your life. Be diligent to watch for the ‘yes mongers!” All sorts of people, invitations and opportunities will come your way. However, this doesn’t mean you should say yes to any or all of the opportunities. Be picky. Think about what saying yes really means for your life.



Some people worry if they say no, the flow of stellar opportunities may disappear. Actually, it is the opposite.When you make a decision to become intentional about your “yes”, you are to able maintain space for doors to open and relationships to blossom. It is incredibly easy to allow ourselves to become over committed with social activities, work, church and family obligations.  It is often easier to say yes than no. But, our willingness to say yes, often comes with a high price. We trade our peace and contentment for the possibility of pleasing someone else. Sometimes we fear risking the rejection or frustration of a boss, co-worker, friend or even our spouse if we choose to say no.



Are you a chronic “YES”person? 

  • Do you feel obligated to accept every invitation?
  • Do you spend money during the holidays on gifts you can’t afford or for people you (honestly now) don’t even care for? (ouch)
  • Are you serving on committees or boards you no longer have a passion for?
  • When was the last time you said yes to your job and it caused you to break a promise to your family?
  • Have you ever felt you might single-handedly be responsible for ruining the life of another human because of an imagined faux-pas?

Do you see yourself in any of those scenarios?  Just as clearing clutter from your physical life needs on going maintenance, so does clearing away clutter in your personal life.

Whenever you say “yes” to something, you are choosing to say “no” to something else. Your time is valuable. It is priceless and is one of the few resources we have as finite beings which is not renewable. While you may be given the opportunity to live another day when you put your feet on the floor tomorrow, you will never be given another chance to regain time you carelessly gave away on actions or activities which don’t bring fulfillment and happiness to you or those you cherish .



Today’s challenge – Practice saying no. Stand in front of the mirror, smile at  your beautiful face, and say to yourself, which now smiles back at you.

I am worth saying no for. When I say no I open the door for a bigger yes.

  • Take some time to consider what your yes answers may have caused you to say no to.
  • What can  you put into place to become more focused and intentional about your yes and no?
  • Can you change the path you find yourself on?
  • Do you need to make amends to anyone who may have gotten left in the dust of your yeses? 

Your comments and feedback have been fabulous! Many of you have sent emails and messages with your stories and longing to capture and live a life which matters. You are telling me you have  seen a glimpse of the possibility you can choose simplicity over chaos and peace over craziness.

Congratulations. This is hard stuff. Be gentle on yourself. You my friend are a rock star. Keep at it!

Mega Blessings- Nancy

p.s. I prayed for each of you my sweet readers last night as I lay in bed. I did, and I smiled to myself and with God at how grateful for this time we share together.

I would be happy and smile very large if you would  invite your friends to join us on our 31 day journey, send them our link and invite them to uncover more life to love with less!  You will find a place to sign up on the top right of the screen if you would like to have Secrets of Simplicity delivered to your inbox through the month of October. 

Everyone who requests to receive these tips in your inbox through the month of October is entered into a fun and fab drawing. Leave a comment  and you qualify for an extra chance in our very awesome give-away. .. I promise- you will love it and you will want to win!  More reveal on the give away soon.


  1. I am enjoying this simplicity journey Nancy! I’ve been on this path for several years and appreciate the daily reminders to keep at it. I have sorted and let go of many things in my home and now love the simple beauty that I step into each day.

    1. Sharon-

      I have found it so interesting to find I don’t miss what I no longer own. I thought I would. I don’t. Instead i weigh carefully what I bring into my home and into my life.
      Freedom and simply beauty- joy!


  2. Loved this one Nancy and our wanting to help others gets us in trouble with this. What helped me in this area was realizing that even Jesus did not say “yes,” to everyone. He only did the things his Father wanted him to do.

    1. ahh… this settles my soul when I consider my Jesus saying no…

  3. Years ago I learned to say no. There are times I feel a twinge of guilt when I say no, but when I keep my joy and peace because of it, it’s always worth it! I think knowing what my priorities are in life helps when opportunities arise that I need to say no to. If it doesn’t fit into what’s important to me, I won’t do it.

    Thank you for your encouragement, Nancy. I’m praying for you too, sweet friend!

    1. Agreed. . when you know your priorites, it helps. So many do not. I think it has to start there, otherwise we feel if we say no we are missing out. No one wants to miss out. … I keep reminding myself- saying no to “this” means I am able to say “YES” to something else! It feels like possibility opens up and I love the freedom of that. … now if I can remember this next time!


    1. Pamela- I am laughing as I picutre all of us standing in front of our mirror…. NO… no… NO lips slowly moving. Practicing. I am pretty sure we all are lookig fabulous!
      Happy Friday to you and Pooh!

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