The Gift

Today I received an incredible gift!

 Yesterday, I wasn’t absolutely sure I would be chosen to receive this gift as many others had asked for the same gift with only some being chosen.

Some were so sure; they arrogantly assumed they would be one who received. I can only imagine how surprised they were when the truth became known.

I was hopeful I might receive, but remained unsure.

I had heard so much about this wonderful gift. It was said to be beautiful,  amazing and could be fragile, huge and hard to handle.

When my eyes opened today, discovering I would be one chosen to receive this amazing gift I was fearful.

I had questions.

What if I dropped or ruined it.

What if I made mistakes with the gift and I was found unworthy to have been given it?

What if the giver regretted giving to me?

He was a special friend, known for years, but who I had lost touch with of late.

A similar gift had been given me not long before. However, I had not seen the gift for what it was and did not handle it carefully. I was told later it had been a priceless treasure – as a snowflake or a grain of sand. Not another like it had existed before or would again.

My friend had sent a letter a few days prior to help me prepare for the possibility he would stop by with another gift for me, but I was too busy to read much of it and set it aside, silently promising myself and my friend I would read it…soon.

When the knock came on the door announcing the arrival of my friend my heart leapt with anticipation and regret in the same instant. I glanced at the letter he had sent knowing again, I had let him down. Not only did I not deserve his presence, I did not deserve his gift. I opened the door with hesitation, knowing I had no right to receive what he brought.

 My friend is very creative and when he gives a gift, he always wraps them in beautiful color and texture. Today was no exception. He stood silently smiling, holding my gift in one arm and the other outstretched to embrace me!

He did not judge me for my lack.

He gave again, wrapped in beauty and tied up with grace the gift of another day. He did not chide nor remind me of past failures.

Unconditional love, acceptance and hope given by the creator and designer of the universe, delivered to me

Lord, thank you for love and grace, forgiveness and second chances.



  1. The variety of emotions, the roller coaster of thoughts but the essence…faith. Beautiful Nancy!

  2. Beautiful. His mercies are new every morning aren’t they?

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