The Only Way you Lose Is If You Quit

How many times have you started a task, had a goal or a dream only to have it put on a shelf, dissolve before you or slip through your fingers seemingly before you had a chance to make it happen?

But if you quit, if you stop if you never try again- you have failed for certain.

If you pick up the pieces of the dream, dust off the goal or rethink the task at hand you have another chance for success.

Don’t quit. Don’t ever stop. Don’t give up. Ever.

God’s mercies are new every morning- HIS faithfulness is great!

Lamentations 3:22-23 (NIV)
Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed,
for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning;
great is your faithfulness.


  1. This message reminds me of the foundation of my life (the Lord) and the principle reason for that (His compassion ever fresh and immeasurably beneficial). With this foundation how could I ever think of giving up? It’s not all up to me anymore.

  2. Your post encourages me. Sometime life gets in the way and I don’t write for a day, but “new every day” reminds me to resume writing the next day and not let one “writeless” day become two. Thanks!

  3. Some of my favorite verses Nancy. Thanks for reminding me not to quit. My writing has slacked a bit but I will find some pieces and put them in New Times Roman 10 point…

    1. don’t quit- ever … you have a story to tell- that no one else can tell… in any font 🙂

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