being present


We live in a hurry-up world and many of us rush to get from here to there, start to finish. Our physical body is present, but our emotions and thoughts are nowhere to be found. We try to keep all the plates spinning but the struggle is real.

The world is more connected than ever before. We communicate in real-time with those on opposite sides of the planet. While I wrestle with the crazy-making technology has created, I am thankful for it too.  My daughter and five of our precious grands live in Arizona. Our youngest son lives in Washington DC.  I’m not sure who told these children living far away was okay…because it is not!

In 2018 when faced with a  health crisis, I set up a private Facebook group for those who had asked to walk the journey with us. The support, prayers, and encouragement given by “our people” were priceless. This precious community loved us deeply during one of the hardest seasons and because of them, we are stronger.

Photo by Boba Jovanovic on Unsplash

Distraction has become a way of life. Finding silence feels impossible. Growing up, the news was delivered once a day with a nightly broadcast. Our family had a two-party landline phone. It connected to the wall (gasp) and we shared the line with another family down the street. To make a call we had to pick up the handset and listen for voices before we started dialing. If we heard them talking, we had to wait until they were done before making our call.  Sounds archaic I know, but it is true.

Times have certainly changed.

Today, it is a challenge to live fully present. It is difficult, but not impossible. 

What does it mean to live present?

  • Present means living with your feet firmly grounded in the here and now.
  • Present is not perfection. It can be as simple as spending time together.
  • Present is believing right now is enough.
being present
Photo by Margaret Polinder on Unsplash

How would it look like for us to live completely present, all in?

  • Present means choosing to live with honesty and grace.
  • Present allows others to invade our lives and making space for them.
  • Present costs. It is messy, uncomfortable, and takes time. Jesus was present All in. He loved deeply and gave without expecting.  
strong friendships
Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

Who would be impacted by the gift of your presence?

  • Present means we intentionally invest and connect in relationships.
  • Present believes the right now matters and those we are with do too. 
  • Present chooses to embrace the beautifully ordinary life right in front of us instead of looking for the next better thing.

 There are no guarantees. We are given this one precious life and we can choose to live well, love deeply and risk much, or hold back and play it safe. 

What is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? – Mary Oliver

Today’s Challenge- 

  • How can you better steward the gift of your right now moments? 
  • What needs to shift in your thinking to allow space for being fully present?
  • Who needs to know they matter more than any schedule, goal, or plan?

I believe with all of my heart, community makes a difference and life is always better done together.

So, then, be careful how you live. Do not be unwise but wise, making the best use of your time.   Ephesians 5:15-17

Thanks for spending these few moments with me! If these words have sparked something in, please take a moment and share them with your corner of the world! 



  1. Wonderful post, Nancy, and timely as I prepare for a women’s retreat this fall. Would you be willing to share this devo or something similar in my weekend materials for the women? This will be for their personal time with the Lord each morning. Feel free to contact me for more particulars.

  2. Nancy,
    Yes, I believe we are more able to connect today than ever, but I also believe there are many disconnections. The offer of technology to span distance is great for those who have distance between them. I totally get that. But just as you mentioned years ago without that technology we were better connected. There was no face time, but face to face.

    I’m fortunate that I can see my grandkids weekly. But it’s still possible to live close and not invade each other’s space. Grief can do that. So can fear of the unknown. It can either draw you closer, or be a distance between you.

    My friend had a party line and I smile thinking about how Judy and I were dying to fill each other in on the events in our lives. So what, that we had just seen each other in high school. So what, that we had even been with each other on the bus for the ride home. We had to talk.

    I thank God that I got to meet you face to face. We need to live intentional lives. May you have an abundance of invasions this week.

    1. Oh Anne- o thankful we are not only connected online but in real life too. Friendship is a gift and I am grateful for you my friend!

  3. My favorite sentence in your post, “I believe community makes a difference and life is always better done together.” Yes and Amen sista!

  4. Thank you so much Nancy for using your beautiful gift. This all resonated with me, especially the “Present costs. It is messy, uncomfortable and takes time. Jesus was present All in. He loved deeply and gave without expecting. ” – that’s powerful. Bless you.

  5. Annie Perdue-Olson says:

    Being present really matters. A great challenge — powerful, thoughtful. Thank you!

  6. I love this post Nancy! Great reminders and many nuggets of truth about being present. So easy to get caught up in the busyness of life. Many distractions around these days. It can be difficult to keep up! My daughter lives far away. I too am so very thankful for video call connections with her and my grandchildren. I love where you say this; “Presence is allowing others to invade our lives.”

    1. yes and yes… Here’s to the invasion of others into our lives. May we have the grace to love them well!

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