

The plane landed after an early morning flight from Phoenix, Arizona. I had spent the week taking care of five fabulous grandchildren while mom and dad enjoyed some much-deserved rest and relaxation. My days were busy, full and wonderful, but, after a short layover in Chicago, I was almost home and would sleep in my own bed that night! 

I wrangled an overstuffed carry-on and heavy backpack from the bin above my seat and made my way toward a busy concourse with one thought in mind. 

Find the bathroom. Soon. 

Quickly, pulling my suitcase, I scanned the placards and zeroed in on my destination. 

go with confidence

I walked in, searched for an open stall and in a split second, I knew something was seriously wrong.

You guessed it. 

Men… yes, MEN turned to me in amusement and surprise.  I realized my mistake and quickly spun on my heels out of that room as fast as I had come in! 

Oh my. 

go with confidence www.nancybouwens.com

Walk With Confidence

The gentleman who waited with his cleaning cart in the doorway smiled at me with a twinkle in his eye as I passed him. He grinned and nodded his head in the direction of the ladies room – one doorway to the left. 

A woman who had seen my quick about-face from the men’s room shared a good laugh with me at this slightly awkward moment. 

It all happened so fast I barely had time to be uncomfortable. I could only smile, nod a bit sheepishly to all of the (male) eyes looking at me, hold my head high and with all the confidence I could muster, walk out! 

Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash

Step With Confidence 

There are times we simply must step out and keep moving, even when everything within us wants to freeze and attempt to fill the air with excuses and reasons for why we would, could or shouldn’t be doing what we are. 

I wrestle fear whenever I start something new. It’s much easier not to rock the boat and keep doing what I have been doing. It’s less scary and safer. There are fewer chances to make mistakes and be uncomfortable.

Honestly, I wrestle with feeling not good, capable, or skilled enough to do most things. 

You too? 

choose a path with confidence www.nancybouwens.com
Photo by Lukas Neasi on Unsplash

Go With Confidence

If we listen to the voices whispering in our ears which say “not enough” we miss the opportunity to change the world with the greatness placed inside of us by the God of the Universe.

If we settle for the safety of what we know, we miss out on the richness of what God longs to do in and through us.

If we allow fear to continually shake our confidence, we will never live the brave life we long for. 

For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of wise discretion. 2 Tim 1:7  

You may make a wrong turn, but embrace it with as much confidence and grace you can muster.

There is only one of you and oh my friend, there are things which only you can do. 


Do them all.

Thank you for sharing a few moments of your day. My prayer is for you to be encouraged and inspired to live your very best life today!

Please share your thoughts in the comments below and this post with another person on the planet who would love to either hear about someone walking into the men’s room OR doing life with confidence. Either will do! 

What crazy, awkward moment have you pushed through on your way to something new? 



  1. Love this, Nancy:

    Do it afraid. Do it messy. Do it imperfectly, but do it anyway. You may make a wrong turn, but embrace it with as much confidence and grace you can muster.

    Thanks for sharing your blunder. Chuckling with you as I envision your head held high as you breeze past the urinals lining the walls.

    1. Jeanne- Thanks for stopping by! We have all had our share of blunders, haven’t we 🙂

  2. I pushed through losing my job hopefully heading towards writing full-time. Time will tell but getting rid of the toxicity I felt in my life helps me go forward.

    1. Sue- staying in a toxic work environment will steal your peace, joy and hope. The word brave comes to mind when I consider what it must have taken for you to take that big step.

      (cue the confetti in celebrations!! )

      Blessings- Nancy

  3. Kimberly Talmey says:

    This is a great post so relatable! And I’ve done that lol. Confidence is learned in the doing I believe! We have to step out and expect it to be hard but the Koy that it brings when we succeed!

  4. This made me smile! What a great reminder! Doing new things is scary! I struggle with perfectionism which holds me back a lot of times from even starting something. I am working on this and getting better at putting myself out there, even when I’m not “confident” that what I’m doing is good enough. But, in reality, who is to say it’s not good enough or even what “good enough” actually means!? : ) Thanks for the post, Nancy!!!

    1. Lisa- I wrestle with perfectionism too. I want to do “it” right. I too am working on pushing through my fear of being wrong or doing it wrong.

      Regret is never having tried. Let’s keep trying, failing and getting back up again!

  5. I’m a huge fan of “fake it till you make it” so sometimes I look confident when really, I’m shaking like a stone inside. But I figure that if I don’t try, I’ll regret it much more than if I do and it goes wrong. That also includes going into the men’s once when the ladies’ was packed!!!!

    1. Elizabeth- Ha me too.The women’s line can be soooo long! Especially at conferences or concerts. 🙂

      I say let’s keep doing life messy and imperfect but doing it all in with a smile and a tip of our chin to say “I’ve got this! ”

      Thanks for stopping by 🙂

  6. The great thing about confidence is if we get it from being an amazing creation of the Lord it won’t be shaken when we act like a human and make a mistake or step out in faith because of our calling. Thanks for the reminder to stay grounded in Him and go for it!

    1. Rayna- Thankful beyond words our Lord is never phased when we make mistakes! I picture him clapping and cheering us on as we do our little ones as they learn to walk. He smiles and calls out your name…. “Rayna try again.. You CAN DO THIS!”

      Blessings my friend !

  7. Had to laugh out loud at the short misadventure into the Men’s room, Nancy, but you are so right. Whatever we do, do it with confidence. I think I needed to hear this today, as I’ve been wrestling with a bit of “am I good enough” regarding an online course I’ve developed. But I know that the Lord has laid this project on my heart and there are women who will benefit from the contents. So thanks for the reminder!

    1. Oh girl- you and I are good enough. More than enough and we are a delight to our Heavenly Father as we reach, try, stumble and try again.

      Picture your women, the ones you are writing for and see them changed because of the work you are doing! Hold them before you and GO change the world!! Blessings

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