
These are difficult days.

Quarantined to our homes with social distancing the new normal. Church buildings are closed. Simple things we’ve always done without thinking are now taboo.

Hugging friends or hopping on airplanes to see family seem like a distant memory. Dreaming of vacations or purchasing tickets to a play is no longer on our radar. 

Staying healthy, hunting for toilet paper, and working from home is our reality. 

Photo by Jasmin Sessler on Unsplash

The future seems wobbly at best and for many, filled with fear. There are questions, few answers, and much uncertainty. 

We long for promises and hope. We vacillate between hanging on the words of those who speak from places of influence to closing our eyes and shutting out the noise. 

Photo by Ernest Brillo on Unsplash

I’ve been using a grocery delivery service for the last few weeks, but recently I ventured to my neighborhood store. My fellow shoppers wore masks that closed off any possibility of sharing a smile of encouragement with them. Eyes were down and shoulders pulled in as social distancing was observed. I tried to engage a few, but most were reluctant to look anywhere but straight ahead. 

photo courtesy of unsplash.com/@purzlbaum

With a heavy heart, I navigated the check out lane and quickly gathered my bags. I was fighting a deep ache in my soul, tears streaming down my face as I walked to the car. 

Head on the steering wheel and a prayer on my lips I whispered to God, “I want a normal life without masks, sanitizer, and six feet between everyone. I miss being in a room shoulder to shoulder with people and not a care in the world. Abba, I miss what we had … the life you gave us and we took for granted.” 

 Moments passed. I have no idea how long I sat there. Nothing on the outside had changed. But, something on the inside did. 

Peace. The kind which is beyond understanding and carries us through heartbreak and sorrow. 

God is like that. Even when we don’t see it he’s there. When he seems silent he’s with us. 

Hope. When nothing in the natural feels hopeful. 

I wish I could say my eyes have never left Jesus. But, they have. There have been days I wrestled with a litany of questions and nights I lay awake trying to pray and find rest.

If you, like me have listened to too much news and prayed too little take heart, my friend. The God of heaven waits for us to reach up to him. He is with us and promises to never leave or forsake us. 

He is our way maker and miracle worker.

Let this song be your anthem and this prayer yours with me.

God of heaven, the world is groaning under the weight of the virus and we need you. We ask for your healing in bodies, minds and spirits. Where there is discouragement and fear- bring hope. When our eyes look more toward what we see than you, bring us back. We lean into you today Father and declare you faithful even when we don’t see you moving. You are the God of  breakthrough and we stand before you hands up, and hearts before you asking for a miracle. Amen. 

intentional life www.nancybouwens.com
Believing in Possibility…Again

P.S. I am creating a targeted resource guide for this community and I need your help! Please email- hello@nancybouwens.com :

  • What has been your biggest challenge during these past few months?
  • If you could write a letter to your pre-pandemic self, what would you say?

Thank you!!


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