Maggie’s Fall

Today I’m linking up with Lisa-Jo for Five-Minute Friday. Join me! The rules: Write for five minutes. No editing, revising, overthinking, or backtracking. Just write.

alarm clock

Yes- I know today is not Friday, and five minute Friday writers- you are way ahead of me today by several days. BUT- I am throwing my hat into the ring even if it is already Monday. I have tried this linky fun several times and for whatever reason I am having trouble with the process… so today, Monday night, three days past Friday I am doing my own version of five minute fridays.  I was ready this week, I waited until 12:05 a.m. and who knew- epic fail I still continued to have issues.

I will concede- writing for five minutes, no editing and no backtracking is tough. I am a back-tracker and self editor in the harshest sense of the word.. can we say perfectionist? Alas- I am doing it not pretty, but I am in the game.  Weeks to come I plan to come to the party a little earlier. Somehow I imagine I am not the only one who might arrive a little late to the Friday party. Goes against most of my grain- but here goes. Five Minute Friday fam- thanks for letting me play! Love what I see here- great talent and gifts amongst incredible humans.

Maggie’s Fall


Maggie, you were afraid of falling. You hung tightly to your independence and to the walker which brought you stability.

Your wry smile and tap of your fingers bring a rhythm of beauty to a body that no longer is able to dance, run or even walk.

The fall which you feared became the final fall, bringing you to this place. A senior home- the final stop in a long line of many stops throughout your life. You are surrounded by a variety of ages, heads crowned in grey and skin wrinkled, paper thin. You don’t see yourself as old, even as you find yourself confined to a wheel chair, unable to do for yourself even the most basics of needs.

Days wrap one into another with a routine for bathing, eating and care done by the many hands of strangers. You no longer have your independence -once taken so for granted.

Now, a good day is when you are able to spend an afternoon under the shaded patio, gazing at an assortment of water fowl strutting past on their way to the gently rolling stream nearby.

In spite of your troubles , you greet most days with a crooked  little smile, joy and a hint of humor mixed with a strong dose of love .Without words you remind me life is still what you make it and laughter the key to unlock it all!

I love you sweet Maggie- my treasured mom-in-law.

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