nancy bouwens intentional life simplicity coach


In God’s infinite and amazing wisdom he created the family. He could have continued to create each human like he did Adam and Eve by speaking breath and life into them. Instead, he chose to place men and women in a place not just of creating children, but also of parenting them.

nancy bouwens intentional life simplicity coach
Photo credit: ezhikoff / IWoman / CC BY-NC

What was He thinking? 

We mean well. We dream of guiding our children (smoothly) into adulthood where we anticipate they will gaze back with admiration at the wonderful job we did raising them. But, there are days we fail miserably at this parenting thing. We are imperfect souls doing our best to get it right.

Every parent blows it. Every kid comes unhinged. Every family goes off the rails. That doesn’t mean we are ruined. It means we are ordinary.  –  Jen Hatmaker

What were we thinking? 

 Somewhere between 18 months and 18 years, these creatures who we have been entrusted to guide, teach and train do something parenting books do not adequately prepare you for.

“No one is ever quite ready; everyone is always caught off guard. Parenthood chooses you. And you open your eyes, look at what you’ve got, say “oh my gosh,” and recognize that of all the balls there ever were, this is the one you should not drop.”  – Marisa de los Santos

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Children grow up.

Our precious offspring develop their own ideas, thoughts, and dreams. They see the world differently than we do. It can be unsettling when they begin to think for themselves if we have not made space for them to grow. 

Labor pains brought them physically into the world and intense labor pains are experienced at the deepest soul level as we release them into their future!

Children are a heritage from the Lord, offspring a reward from him. Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are children born in one’s youth. Psalm 127:3

Photo by Andreas Weiland on Unsplash 

Letting Go is hard.

When I was growing up, my mom often told me “You don’t understand it now, but you will. Once a mom always a mom.”  She was right, I didn’t get it then. But I do now. My littles are no longer little. My daughter is a mom of five and has walked through a battle I could not rescue her from. It broke my heart.  My youngest was struck with a life-altering medical condition which could have halted his hopes and dreams in the prime of his life. My middle son and his beautiful wife were shattered when their first child was stillborn.  

Through each of these hard places, I felt helpless. 

But God. 

I wanted to take their hurt. I longed to back up time and do something anything to take away the pain. What I could do felt like not enough. I cried, prayed and begged God to let me take their place. He said no.

If you have loved a child you know how I felt. Because you would have done the same. Once a mom always a mom, no matter if they are big or small. 

When we release our children in prayer to the one who knew them before they took their first breath, it allows him the opportunity to work at a greater level in their lives. He sees the beginning and the end. He does not really need our help… he is God all by himself. 

Parenting is messy. You are doing ok. Most days you are more than ok. We need each other. Gather other moms to walk with you. Two are always better than one. (If you need help connecting with other moms at your age and stage – send me a message and I would be happy to share a few ideas to help.)

A Parenting Prayer for you…sweet mom of littles, bigs and those in between. 

Heavenly Father, Pour over each one who gathers in this place today. If they are discouraged, pour life into weary souls. If circumstances are overwhelming them, pour hope into broken hearts. Whisper into the tired places words of encouragement. Father, we long to parent well. We need you. Help us. Amen.

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

  Question – 

  • What are you trusting God for today in the lives of your children?
  • What does being a beautifully imperfect parent mean to you? 

If this post has been helpful to you (and because I simply can not know everyone).. please share, tweet and otherwise spread it around! 

Hugs and Blessings- 


  1. My oldest son is about to become a parent around April. I pray that he and his wife will pray, listen and obey Genesis 1:1 God and teach our grandson to do the same.

    1. Watching our children become parents is a beautiful thing. We are given the gift of prayer for them and our newest little people. It is a privilege of the best kind! Congrats on your new little guy coming soon.

  2. This is a precious piece and reminder of God’s infinite love for us. That mother/child bond is such a deep connection! And that grandparent love is unexplainable! Thanks for sharing your wisdom, encouragement, and prayers, Nancy!

  3. His plans are always better than ours, we just have to Let go, and Let God. I have seen amazing things happen, when I finally get out of the way. I have a very dear friend who says God ask this one thing of me…. ” How long will you take to surrender?” Will I let go kicking and screaming, having a temper tantrum, I which i always seem to get hurt. Or breathe in the fresh air of peace and know some one all wise and bigger than me is ..”.Large and In Charge!”

    1. It’s the stopping and breathing HIS peace that allows the peace and grace to flow into the cracks and crevices of our lives! Thanks for the reminder of who IS in charge 🙂 Blessings!

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