
Philippians 1:4-6

Whenever….I pray, I make my requests for all of you with joy ….and I am certain that God, who began a good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.

The writer of this long ago letter to the church of Philippi may not have written it with the heart of a mother in mind, but it has been n oft underlined, highlighted and lifted before God verse since my children were born.

Whenever … I am feeling out of control, and worry is a constant companion…I pray.

Whenever ….my children were not home on time, or the phone rang in the middle of the night…I pray.

Whenever…those I love are hurting and in need and I am not able to “fix it” for them I pray.

Whenever… I look towards the future and it is unclear ( which is almost always) …I pray.

I am ever so grateful that God sees all things, knows all things and is incredibly and totally in control at all times. He is an anchor in the storms that swirl, he is peace no matter how my heart races and he promises he will be faithful to complete what he has begun and that he hears my prayers. In fact, he is delighted when I do- he waits to hear the desperate and genuine cry of my mothers heart.

My prayers need not be tidy or neat. I am able to bring my requests to him…

Whenever…. I pray- you are there! (thank you Abba Father)


  1. “An anchor in the storms that swirl.” Precisely. When all the “whatevers” happen at the same time, it gets overwhelming. Thanks for the reminder that nothing is too big or hard for God.

    1. Christine, thanks for stopping by! grateful to be the little whisper in your ear. reminding God IS enough.


    2. Christine,

      So glad we are in the tribe together….I am reaching, and growing and getting stuck…but will not give up.
      My fellow writers you are such a joy to journey with.

  2. Hi Nancy,
    Your post reminded me of a book I read many years ago: Don’t Just Stand There, PRAY SOMETHING! I learned a lot in those pages, and still pray when my college kids are home and out late.

    So glad to connect with you through Tribe Writers!

    1. Susan, great to be the tribe together. Appreciate you stopping by and would appreciate any feedback!



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